Teach Addition and Subtraction with the Help of Whiteboards
The interactive Whiteboards can be used to educate children with the assistance of ware installed in a notebook or a pc. We are going to show you ways to help teach subtraction and addition with the support of a pc or a laptop attached to an interactive whiteboard below.
Teaching addition to the children in school:
Find images of certain Things to show as examples. We are going to show the case. Find pictures of a basket, an apple and a woman holding a basket. Copy the images and adjust the dimensions of these items to your needs to match. Copy paste twenty apple images within the basket to demonstrate that the basket will be hold the apples. In order to do that you must understand how to use software in the computer to make an image a photo editing program.If youdo not know how to use such applications to create image you can get help pick a graphics designer for a job. While the picture of the woman with the basket ought to be set on the right hand side of this plank set the basket filled with apples on the left hand side of the board. As you desire, name the woman. Make a narrative to help explain the situation like for instance, explain that the girl would like to stop by a person and villages in a village. She’s required to take some apples to the one she’s currently visiting and they must help her evaluate the quantity of apples. Put apples into the basket of the girl from the basket and ask the pupils to count after putting each one, the amount present. Move more than 1 apple to make it resemble a question. Until the pupils understand the means of adding things continue this action.
Teaching subtraction to the kids in college:
You can use the same Situation clarify the children to reevaluate things. Add pictures and you must extend the narrative line. You may add the picture of an older woman and say that the woman was supposed to visit with. While the woman with the basket by her side is put on the right hand side of this plank, use picture of this side of the board and check my page https://movplan.com.br/produtos/lousa-digital/ for more details.Continue by telling the students that by placing it the woman has to provide the apples. Put out of the basket of the girl into the one that is empty and tell the students to count the amount of apples after eliminating a number left. Continue the activity until the pupils learn to subtract.